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"The Northbay's Non-Litigious Divorce Specialist Since 2009"

You should know your “rights” in a divorce!

A battle cry of family law seems to be “you should know your rights in a divorce”!  It sounds pretty impressive and terrifying at the same time.  The statement alone makes you want to run out and hire the fiercest, pitbull divorce lawyer you can find, doesn’t it?

Defending your rights when they are being abridged in certain cases, may be addressed by obtaining a lawyer.  But a divorce in and of itself is not a criminal act.  There are typically no abridgment of rights in the majority of divorce cases that we assist, there is simply a procedural matter that must move through a family court.   Self-help has always meant empowering an individual with information so they can make their own decisions in matters where there has been no crime, injury or other civil violation.

Consider, there are at least a thousand laws, with inherent rights and responsibilities that we are subject to everyday, just by getting out of bed and going to work in the morning and then back home at night.  But do we need a lawyer to negotiate our routine days?  Of course not, we do function everyday without legal advice about our rights.  Do we need a lawyer to negotiate a routine marital dissolution?  Of course we do not.  Unless our rights are indeed being violated, or someone is indeed being injured by the other party, of what need is a lawyer to a divorcing couple who intends on processing an amicable, uncontested divorce?  The word is spreading fast that a fear driven divorce is way more devastating than amicable divorces.

Don't be terrified into paying for a contested divorce.  The cost and toll of a lawyer driven contested divorce is most times unnecessary, and the bad experience only propogates the "war of the roses" steroptype.

At GDC, we personally process amicable, uncontested divorces without lawyers.  We provide assistance instead of blame.  We provide communication, and utilize cooperative solutions to divorce challenges, instead of draining a couples emotions and bank account fighting over what many times just amounts to hurt feelings.


* GDC and its agents are not attorneys. No information provided on this website is intended as legal advice or counsel for a divorce or any matter, and should not be construed as such. Accordingly, the information on this site is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, financial, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal, financial or other competent advisers. In no event will Go Divorce Clinic, its related partnerships or corporations, or the partners, agents or employees thereof be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information presented in this site, or for any consequential, special or similar damages.
